Am I an eligible Clark Conservation District voter?

All voters registered within the boundary of Clark Conservation District are eligible to vote in our elections. The boundaries of Clark CD are those of Clark County with the exception of the centers of Camas, La Center, Ridgefield, Washougal, and Yacolt. Clark CD was formed in 1942 and it included all unincorporated areas of Clark County. Consequently, the District does not include the 1942 boundaries of the previously listed cities. In the 1960s, the city of Vancouver petitioned to be included in the District and was accepted. In 1942, there were no unincorporated areas of Battle Ground, so the whole city is included.

District staff can assist you in determining if you are an eligible District voter. Additionally, we have an interactive map below.

Outside of District Boundaries?

Contact us for more information. If you are outside of the District boundaries, you are ineligible to vote in our elections or run for an elected office. However, we do offer most of our services to everyone within the boundaries of Clark County. The process to add territory to an existing District is outlined in RCW 89.08.180 and begins with filing a petition with twenty percent of the voters of the affected area to be included. Please contact our District Manager for more information.